2021. 2. 1. 10:06ㆍEnglish/매일 영어
매일영어 2021.02.01
1. If your best friend likes someone you like, would you rather give up or fight for the love?
(당신의 친구가 당신이 좋아하는 사람을 좋아한다면, 너는 포기하겠는가 사랑을 위해 싸우겠는가?)
> i gonna choice my friends because if you break to her or him you will never meet again. i think depend on case lolzz
- I'm afraid that
(~해서 무섭다, 두렵다)
ex) i'm afraid that strong windy when I made hairstyle
2. What do you usually argue about with your friends?
(당신은 무엇때문에 당신의 친구와 논쟁을 벌이나요?)
> i think almost people have arguement because personality. as you know each other people have a lot of kind personality so my case is silmilar. when our discuss or conversation way is not same or fault start to argue about something...haha
- what do you say~ = shall we = why don't you try
(~하는 게 어떨까요?)
ex)what do you say you once try?
3. How did you enjoy last summer holiday?
(작년 여름 휴가를 어떻게 즐기셨나요?)
> well. you know.. last summer vacation was terrible by the virus. fortunalty i had mini trevel with my girlfriend. go to domestic travel using car. this is not bad actually good cuz i knew about new place in domestic so fatastic. but i wish go to oversea coming next year by end of virus
- do you want me to~?
(내가 ~ 해줄까?)
ex)do you want me to carry your bag?
이 포스팅은 쿠팡 파트너스 활동의 일환으로, 이에 따른 일정액의 수수료를 제공받을 수 있습니다
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