2021. 2. 3. 08:05ㆍEnglish/매일 영어
Daily English
[집밥연구소] 가정식 수제 반찬 100종 [4만원 이상 구매시 서비스반찬 무료배송]
what's the biggest accident you've ever had? how did it affect you?
(너의 가장 큰 사고는 뭐였어? 어떤 영향을 끼쳤니?)
Have you evev had big accident? i was young i had experience to drop moutaion steep slope in travel. In those days i leaved from my team group for first down to moutain so i was alone. While i was droping slope i crash rock to my head so i was bleddong when i was stop i thought my family so i got a superpower and i overcame at that situation.
-have someone ever been ( ~한적 있어?)
>have she ever been in a long term relationship?
have you ever felt the fear of death in your life?
(인생에서 죽음에 대한 두려움을 느껴본적 있니?)
Well.... i think this is soooo serious question what about you? I think thats not productive think because simply think is not bad but that waste your time because that not happen in your coming days. What seems to be reason why ask this qeustion?
-what seems to be (~인거 같아?)
>what seems to be the cause of this horrible summer weather?
was there any accident that affected you in a positive way?
(너에게 긍정적 영향의 효과를 준 사건이 있었니?)
My friend said what brought you to the limit of your life? I ask my friend. Why dont you live hastily life your young of life and time is short so i hardly try to use my time in detail. Like my woke time is 6am lolzzz
-what brought you (무엇이 ~로 데려간거야?)
>what brought you to the hospital?
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