Daily English

2021. 2. 4. 09:00English/매일 영어


Daily English

이경규 리얼토핑 폭탄피자 1인용 미니 사각 냉동피자 3종, 꼬꼬 1개+치즈 1개+불고기 1개


이경규 리얼토핑 폭탄피자 1인용 미니 사각 냉동피자 3종





1. have you had a pet?

(너는 애완동물 길러본적있어?)


-> i wish when i was young but i didn't unfortunately if i have a chance i wish to keep a pet like a cat or dog. i like dogs kind of big. what about you? have you ever rear pet? i think you look like having experience. how many times have you raised a pet?


- How many times have you ~ 

(얼마나 ~해봤나요?)

>how many times have you travel in your life


2. tell us about your best friend.


->my best friend....um.... that's a very hard question i think as you know best friend is... just best friend. this is the first time i think about my friend in deatil.


- this is the first time i've ~

(저는 처음~을 해봅니다,)

i have no experience about boxing, this is the first time i've boxing about activity



3. what is the biggest change in recent year?

(최근에 가장크게 바뀐게 뭐야)


-> um.... well i think the best change is our lifestyle by a virus. didn't go to school and didn't play with friends and didn't go to travel. this is soooo a terrible situation. we had to stay in home as possible as long. but our patience reach to limit. i hope to back normal lifestyle.


-what made you ~

(너를 ~하게 만들었니?)

>what made you did it revenge?




[클레오본사] 서울대특허 여성 질유래 유산균 클레오 1개월분 프로바이오틱스 + 아연, 1개월분(300mg x 30캡슐)


[클레오본사] 서울대특허 여성 질유래 유산균 클레오 1개월분 프로바이오틱스 + 아연



 이 포스팅은 쿠팡 파트너스 활동의 일환으로, 이에 따른 일정액의 수수료를 제공받을 수 있습니다

'English > 매일 영어' 카테고리의 다른 글

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