Daily English
Daily English 쥬비스다이어트 쥬비스가 만든 카테킨450 1Box (30일)COUPANGwww.coupang.com-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. what did you do yesterday? >i got a stress by the test. I so hate exam, have you ever had test or exam about something? I got a bed score so my feel is gloomy until now. I give you advice . If yo..
2021.02.05 -
Daily English
Daily English 이경규 리얼토핑 폭탄피자 1인용 미니 사각 냉동피자 3종 COUPANG www.coupang.com ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. have you had a pet? (너는 애완동물 길러본적있어?) -> i wish when i was young but i didn't unfortunately if i have a chance i wish to keep a pet like a cat or dog. i like dogs kind of big. what about you? h..
2021.02.04 -
Daily English
Daily English [집밥연구소] 가정식 수제 반찬 100종 [4만원 이상 구매시 서비스반찬 무료배송]COUPANGwww.coupang.com----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- what's the biggest accident you've ever had? how did it affect you?(너의 가장 큰 사고는 뭐였어? 어떤 영향을 끼쳤니?) Have you evev had big accident? i was young i had experience to drop moutaion steep sl..
2021.02.03 -
Daily English
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. What is your favorite hobby? (당신의 가장 좋아하는 취미는 무엇인가요?) um....well in these days i changed my favorite hobby. that's work out because as you know we always in our home and dont hang out. so i usually work out when i stay in home so i look up kind of work out lolzz ..
2021.02.02 -
Daily English
매일영어 2021.02.01 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. If your best friend likes someone you like, would you rather give up or fight for the love? (당신의 친구가 당신이 좋아하는 사람을 좋아한다면, 너는 포기하겠는가 사랑을 위해 싸우겠는가?) > i gonna choice my friends because if you break to her or him you will never meet again. i think dep..