Daily English

2021. 2. 5. 08:30English/매일 영어

Daily English




쥬비스다이어트 쥬비스가 만든 카테킨450 1Box (30일), 550mg

쥬비스다이어트 쥬비스가 만든 카테킨450 1Box (30일)




1. what did you do yesterday?


>i got a stress by the test. I so hate exam, have you ever had test or exam about something? I got a bed score so my feel is gloomy until now. I give you advice . If you do the something test You have to study hard really, you know unless you study hard feeling of regret sffuer to you. We need more hastidly live to ife


- have someone ever been ~?




2. what kind of accident did in your life?


> do you want me to tell you about my accident? i had car accident as you know. At that time i was going to you on my way. When i curb to the road i crash the protection wall i heard that my car tire got a lot of tired.
Once i used wheelchair for working because the accident.

 Thats life so hard i got a lot of inconvinience. Futher traum.

- do you want me to ~?

(내가 ~해줄까?)


3.what is the weather like in summer in korea?


> nawadays? Nationally cold cuz winter but it is wammer that it seems. I think coming to spring. Which do you like season? I like fall, in korea fall called burden of food season i think other country is same anyway. The reason why select the fall i like eating a food haha


-it is 비교급 than it seems.

(그건 보기보다 ~하다.)




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[3종]딥트 3일 1박스(5gx30포) 차전자피 4 500mg함유 가르시니아 식이섬유



 이 포스팅은 쿠팡 파트너스 활동의 일환으로, 이에 따른 일정액의 수수료를 제공받을 수 있습니다


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